
Showing posts from July, 2013


          The researcher would like to take this opportunity to express her deepest gratitude and praise to Almighty God for His blessing and mercies so she could finish this thesis. It is such a great joy to be able to finish her thesis. The completion of this thesis was made possible by the contributions of many people. Therefore she would like to give acknowledgments to them.             A great gratitude is addressed to the Rector of State University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. H. Arismunandar, M.Pd. and all his staff, and sincerely thanks to the Director of Graduate Program of State University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. Jasruddin, M.Si., and all his staff for their supports and facilities for the completion of this thesis. She also thanks to The Chairman of Language Education Program, Prof. Dr. H.   Haryanto, M.Pd for his support to complete this thesis.     ...

Tips di suka banyak orang...

Mau di suka banyak orang??? Simpe banget.... Jadilah orang yang Menyenangkan bagi orang lain, buatlah orang terdekat kita merasa nyaman. Bagaimana caranya membuat orang lain merasa nyaman disamping kita?? Research saya membuktikan setiap orang itu merasa senang dan nyaman saat dia merasa dhargai, dpujih, Di mengerti.