The researcher would like to take this opportunity to express her deepest gratitude and praise to Almighty God for His blessing and mercies so she could finish this thesis. It is such a great joy to be able to finish her thesis. The completion of this thesis was made possible by the contributions of many people. Therefore she would like to give acknowledgments to them.
            A great gratitude is addressed to the Rector of State University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. H. Arismunandar, M.Pd. and all his staff, and sincerely thanks to the Director of Graduate Program of State University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. Jasruddin, M.Si., and all his staff for their supports and facilities for the completion of this thesis. She also thanks to The Chairman of Language Education Program, Prof. Dr. H.  Haryanto, M.Pd for his support to complete this thesis.
            The most profound and deepest appreciation goes to her supervisors Prof. Dr. Hj. Djamiah Husain, M.Hum. and Dr. H. Sukardi Weda, S.S., M.Pd., M.Hum., M.Si. M.M who give their help, guidance, suggestion and patience until the completion of this and the researcher would like to address her sincere appreciation to her examiners Prof. Dr. H.  Haryanto, M.Pd and Chairil Anwar Korompot, S.Pd, M.A, who always give their suggestions in completing this thesis. She also addresses her thanks to all lecturers of Graduate Program of UNM for their useful knowledge and enthusiasm in teaching.
The researcher also addresses her most appreciation to the Head-master of SMAN 1 Sesean and staff for allowing her to conduct a research in their school. The completion of this research was made possible by the personal contributions, patience and grace of English teacher, Marsya Salulolo, S.Pd and the year eleven students of SMAN 1 Sesesan. Therefore, she wishes to express her sincere gratitude to them.
            Her endless thanks to her beloved mother: Marta Sibala for the love, care, prayer and motivation, to her late father: Rego Mallipa who had taught her everything and prepared her to face a real life without his presence. She also thanks to her beloved uncle: Yohanis Sibala’ and her aunt: Hj. Mammara’ for the love, care, prayer, motivation, and financial sacrifices, to all her brothers: Yandri Mallipa, Ura’ Mallipa, Yohanis Mallipa, Gidion Mallipa, and Lionel Mallipa, and to all her sisters: Ani Sibala, Alfrianti Sibala, Jeni Mallipa, Sanda Sibala, A.Md, Keb, Ima Abdul Kadir, A.Md, Gracia Tandi Payung, and Lusiana Tandi Payung  who always support her and facilitate with everything that she needs.
She thanks to all of her classmates at English Graduate Program 2011 class C for their joy and togetherness within two years. Moreover, she would to thank to her friends in Glorya Ministry: Yunita S.S, Jumreny, A.Md, Novayanti, S.S, S.Pd, Ronald Purnomo, M.Pd, Adrianty S.Pd, Jesi Jecsen Pongkendek, S.Pd, Nancy Luden, S.Si, S.Pd, Abigael, S.T Paranduk, S.Pd for love, pray, and togetherness in service and wonderful fellowship.

The researcher would like to address special thanks to her best friends Sitti Asmayanti, S.Pd, Sitti Nurjanna S.Pd, Christian Awusi S.Pd, Muhammad Ihsan, S.Pd, Adriani Jihad, S.Pd, Esterina Paindan,S.Pd and Amelia Datu Tonglo for their help and encouragement during the completion of this thesis.
 May God always give them health and guidance in their life. May God’s blessing be upon them.

Makassar, July 2013
The Researcher                                                                              Imelda Mallipa


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