career woman

Good morning everybody. I thank for the chance that given to me to give my opinion about career woman. Talking about career woman, it is an interesting topic especially when we relate it with the emancipation of woman, marriage, and divorce. I have simple definition about career woman. In my point of view, career woman is a woman who has job or work. She takes opportunity to develop herself in a market place or in own business. She has responsibility and duty to her job outside house. I think that it’s the effect of the woman emancipation. Woman fights to have equal right.
 The movement of woman right makes woman have freedom to expose their talent and ability. There are many women success in their life as career woman. According to the latest survey conducted every 5 years by U.S council Bureau, in 2007, Woman owned 7.8 million businesses in United State. These businesses employed 7.6 million workers, but in the other hand the divorce increase significantly in this country.
It seems that career woman has positive and negative impact. The positive impact of career will achieve when a career woman can manage their time and develop their self in the right way. A career woman becomes an independent, discipline, and open minded person. She can get money and help her family to fulfill daily need and have a better life, but her career will give negative effect when she could not manage her time and develop her career in wrong way, especially for a career woman who has married and has children. She does not have time for her family, her children lack of love and attention and it will give a negative effect on her children psychology.
The problem also arises in family when a career woman marries with a man who still thinks that a good woman or a wise wife is a woman stays at home, does household, takes care children, and serves her husband. I read an article that suggested to this man not to marry with a career woman. Do you agree?


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