Dear diary Indonesia Vs English

Me when I am trying to curhat.
Observe the difference when I'm thinking in Indonesia Vs in English.

In Indonesia
Harus kuakui, hampir semua kriteria yang kuinginkan ada padanya tapi aku melepaskannya karna aku tidak mau kerumitan yang kutahu akan menyita waktu dan menguras energiku.

In English
I have to admit that I had found a guy that met allmost all of my criterias for a husband but I let him go. I did not want to invove in a drama that could absorb a lot of energy. I could not handle all negative comments and at the end of day, I knew he and I might not be happy. That's sad but I thank to God who has provided a perfect comfort and helped me to move on. How could I cope with the lost? That's another story for another day.


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