To understand generative morphology, we have to know the principles underlying it.  In general, there are some principles. The principles states that generative transformational is the theory of competence: the native speaker’s knowledge about his language; that language has creative innovative characteristic: the ability of native speaker to generate new sentences; it’s a set of rules that give structural description to sentence (Chomsky 1965:3-9).
There are two models of generative morphology generally used in the world of linguistics, namely, halle’s model and Aronoff’s model.  Halle’s model consist of four components: list of morpheme, word formation rules (WFR), filter, and dictionary, while the component of Aronoff’s model are dictionary, word formation rules, readjustment rule, phonological rules and output.
In the formation English words, the step that must be taken is to list sets of words use as the bases of word formation rules (WFR) in the dictionary (Aronoff’s component)  After that the next job of the linguist is to formulate a set of word formation rules. In English noun itself there are 24 rules. The rules state that some English nouns can be formed by adding the suffix –ion, -ty, -ment, -ness, -hood, -ance, -ence, -er/or, -ce, -cy, -al, -ee, -an, -ism, -ist, -acy, -age, -dom, -ry/ery, -ure, -y, -th, -ant, and –ing. After adding the suffix and it’s still ungrammatical or unacceptable, must first go through the readjustment processes and then go through the phonological processes.
The Formation of English Nouns with the Suffix –ion
a.      Dictionary
For the formation of English Nouns with suffix –ion, first we list all the words or stem used as the base of the word formation rules in the dictionary (3-1) as the first component of generative morphology of Aronoff’s model as follows:
(3-1) (a) [compete]v                                              (g) [rebel]v
         (b) [Educate]v                                              (h) [repeat]v
         (c) [Examine]v                                             (i) [reveal]v
         (d) [Exclude]v                                              (j) [resolve]v
         (e) [Express]v                                               (k) [resume]v
          (f) [Justify]v
b.      Word Formation Rule
The rule for the formation of English noun with the suffix –ion can be formulated as follows:
(NFR) [X]v             [[X]v + [-ion]suf]N
                                 Semantics: “the act of Xing
The (NFR-1) state that English noun can be formed by adding the suffix –ion to the base consisting of verbs as found in dictionary (3-1) with the meaning of “the act of X+ing”
c.       Underlying the Representation
By applying (NFR-1), the following underlying representation can be generated:
[#[compete]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[educate]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[examine]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[exclude]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[express]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[justify]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[rebel]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[repeat]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[reveal]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[resolve]v + [-ion]suf#]N
[#[resume]v + [-ion]suf#]N
All of the above underlying representations are ungrammatical or unacceptable. There are underlying representations which are phonologically unacceptable; and there are underlying representations which are phonologically and morphologically unacceptable. The underlying representations which are phonologically unacceptable must go through certain phonological processes; and the underlying representation which are phonologically and morphologically unacceptable must first go through the readjustment processes and then through the phonological processes.

d.      Readjustment Rule
The following unacceptable underlying representations:

*#[examine/igzæmin/]v + [-ion]suf #]N
*#[reveal/rivi:l/]v + [-ion]suf #]N
Must go through a readjustment process in which the formative at is inserted at the end of the base. The rule for this readjustment process can be formulated as follows:
(RR-1)       [base]v + [-ion]suf ]N
       1             2
   1+at          2
                This rule states that the base takes the formative at when the the suffix –ion is added to the base.
e.       Surface Representation
By applying (RR-1), the following surface representations can be generated:
*#[examine + at]v + [-ion]suf #]N
*#[reveal + at]v + [-ion]suf #]N
These surface representations are phonologically unacceptable, so that they must go through certain phonological process. The rules for phonological process will be formulated later
      The following unacceptable underlying representations:
                  *[#[compete]v + [-ion]suf#]N
                  *[#[repeat]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Must go through a readjustment process in which the formative it is inserted at the end of the base. The rule for this readjustment process can be formulated in the following:
(PR-2)       [base]v + [-ion]suf ]N
1                                  2
1 + it            2
            This rule states that the base takes the formative it when the suffis –ion is added to the base.
            The application of (RR-2) generated the following surface representation:
                  *[#[compete + it]v + [-ion]suf#]N
                  *[#[repeat + it]v + [-ion]suf#]N
These surface representations are phonologically unacceptable, so that they must go through certain phonological processes whose rules will be formulated later.

The following unacceptable underlying representation
*[#[justify]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Must go through a readjustment process in which the formative cat is inserted at the end of the base when suffix –ion is added to the base. The rule for this readjustment process can be formulated in the following:
(PR-3)             [[base]v + [-ion]suf#]N
1                                2
1+cat         2
This rule states that the base takes the formative cat when the suffix –ion is added to the base.
            The application of (PR-3) can generate the following surface representation:
                                    *[#[justify+cat]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Which is phonologically unacceptable, so that it must go through certain phonological processes.
The following unacceptable underlying representation:
                                    *[#[resolve]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Must go through readjustment process in which the formative ut is inserted at the end of the base when the suffix –ion is added to the base. The rule for this readjustment process can be formulated in the following:
(RR-4)                                     [[base]v + [-ion]suf]N
                                                    1                 2
                                                     1+ut            2
This rule state that the base takes the formative ut when the suffix –ion is added to the base.

The application of (RR-4) can be generate the following surface representation:
                                    *[#[resolve+ut]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Which is phonologically unacceptable, so that ir must go through certain phonological process.
f.       Phonological Rule
The following unacceptable surface representation:
*[#[examine+at]v + [-ion]suf#]N
            Must go through one phonological process called assimilation in which the stop consonant phoneme /t/ of the formative at changes to the fricative consonant phoneme /š/ when the suffix –ion is added to the base. The phonological rule for this assimilation can be formulated as follows:
(PR-1)                   C                                          C
-Sonorant                                -sonorant
                        +anterior                                  +anterior           
                        +coronal                                  +coronal                   /………+[-ion]
                        -strident                                   +strident
-voice                                      -voice

This phonological rule states that the stop consonant phoneme /t/ of the formative at becomes the fricative consonant phoneme /š/ due to the addition of the suffix –ion
The whole processes of derivation can be described in the following:
UR                                            : *[#[examine/igzæmin]v + [-ion]suf#]N
RR-1 insertion of at                    : *[#[examine+at/igzæmineit]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-1    /t/         /š/                      : *[#[igzæmineiš]v + [-ion]suf#]N
   : [examination/igzæmineišən/]v + [-ion]suf#]N

The following unacceptable representation:
                        *[#[reveal+at]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Must go through phonological process, namely, shortening in which the long vowel phoneme /i:/ in the second syllable becomes the short vowel phoneme /i/; and assimilation in which the stop consonant phoneme /t/ of the formative at becomes the fricative consonant phoneme /š/. The phonological rule that handles the first phonological process can be formulated as follows:
(PR-2)                              V                                       
+syllabic                                  +syllabic                     
                        +high                                       +high
                        -back                                       -back                           /CVC C
                        +long                                       -long

This phonological rule states that the long vowel phoneme /i:/ in the  last syllable becomes the short vowel phoneme /i/ when the formative at is added to the base.
            Thus, the whole process of derivation can be describe as follow:
(SR)                                         :*[#[reveal+at/rivi:leit/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-2    /i:/        /i/                     : *[#[/rivileit/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-1    /t/         /š/                    : [#[/rivileiš/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Output                                     : [revelation/rivileišən/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
The following unacceptable surface representation:
                        :*[#[repeat+it]v + [-ion]suf#]N
(PR-3)                            V                                             V
                                    +syllabic                                  +syllabic
                                    +high                                       -high                            /C….CVC
                                    -back                                       -back

(SR)                                         :*[#[repeat+it/ripi:tit]v + [-ion]suf#]N
(PR-2)    /i:/             /i/             :*[#[/ripitit]v + [-ion]suf#]N
(PR-3)   /i/               /e/            :*[#[/repitit]v + [-ion]suf#]N
(PR-1)   /t/             /š/               :*[#[/repitiš]v + [-ion/išən]suf#]N
Output                                     : [repetition/repetišən]suf#]

*[#[justify+cat]v + [-ion]suf#]N
(PR)         V                                V                                            V
            +syllabic                      +syllabic                      +syllabic
            -back               +          +high                           +high               /CVCCVC…
            +low                            -back                           -back
SR                                           :*[#[justify+cat/jɅstifaikeit]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-4    /ai/         /i/                   :*[#[jɅstifikeit]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-1  /t/             /š/                   :*[#[jɅstifikeiš]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Output                                     : [justification/jɅstifikeišən/]

                                    *[#[resolve+ut]v + [-ion]suf#]N
                                       V                                             V
                                    +syllabic                                  +syllabic
                                    +high                                       -high                            /CVC….C
                                    +round                                                -back

PR-6        C
            -anterior                       ɵ/………#
                           V                                             V
                        +syllabic                                  +syllabic
                        +high                                       -high                            /CVCVC….C
                        +round                                                -back
                        -long                                        -long
SR                                           :*[#[resolve+ut/rizolvut/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-2  /i/           /e/                    :*[#[/rezolvut/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-5  /o/          /ə/                    :*[#[/rezəlvut/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-6 Deletion of /v/                :*[#[/rezəlut/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-1 /t/            /š/                     :*[#[/rezəluš/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Output                                     :[resolution/rezəlu:šən/]

*[#[express]v + [-ion]suf#]N
                            C                                            C
+anterior                                  +high  
                        +coronal                                  +coronal                   /………#                                    -voice                                      -voice
                        +continuant                             +continuant
                        + Strident                                +strident
UR                              : *[#[express/ikspres/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-8 /s/           /š/         : *[/ikspreš/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Output                         : [expression/iksprešən/]

                                    *[#[educate]v + [-ion]suf#]N
UR                              : *[#[educate/educeit]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-1 /t/            /š/         : *[#[/eǰuceiš]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Output                         : [education/eǰuceišən]

                                                *[#[exclude]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-9                      C                                           C
-sonorant                                 +high  
                        +anterior                                  -anterior                    /………#                                    +coronal                                  +coronal
-voice                                      +voice
                        -continuant                              +continuant
                        - Strident                                 +strident

UR                                          : *[#[exclude/iksklu:d]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-9 /d/           /ž/                    : *[/iksklu:ž]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Output                                     : [exclusion/iksklu:žən]

                                                                *[#[rebel]v + [-ion]suf#]N
                        Ø                     -consonantal                /………#
UR                                          : *[#[rebel/ribel/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-10 addition of /y/              : *[#[/ribel+y/]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Output                                     : [rebellion/ribelyən/]
                                                *[#[resume]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-11                                         C
+sonorant                    ɵ /CVC…VC#

                           V                                             V
                        +syllabic                                  +syllabic
                        +high                                       -high                            /CVC….C
                        +round                                                +back
                        +long                                       -low
-coronal                                           /CVCVC……#                     Ø   -voice                                     
                                    -del rel
PR-14                          C                                               
+coronal                                          /CVCVCC……#                              Ø   -voice                                     
                                    -del rel
UR                                          : *[#[resume/rizyu:m]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-11  deletion of /y/              : *[#[/rizu:m]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-12  /u:/          /Ʌ/                :*[#[/rizyɅm]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-13  insertion of /p/             :*[#[/rizyɅmp]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR-14  insertion of /t/              :*[#[/rizyɅmpt]v + [-ion]suf#]N
PR -1 /t/           /š/                     : *[#[/rizyɅmpš]v + [-ion]suf#]N
Output                                     : [resumption/ rizyɅmpšən]                
2.       The Formation of English Nouns with the Suffix – ty
a.      Dictionary
(3-2) (a) (active)Adj                                (g) (loyal)Adj
           (b) (certain)Adj                              (h) (novel)Adj
         (c) (continue)v                              (i) (safe)Adj
         (d) (cruel)Adj                                  (j) (similar)Adj
         (e) electric()Adj                             (k) (special)Adj
         (f) (frail)Adj                                   
b.      Word formation Rules
(NFR-2) [[X]v/Adj + [-ty]suf]N
c.       Underlying representation
[#[active]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N                  [#[loyal]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
[#[certain]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N                [#[novel]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
[#[continue]v + [-ty]suf#]N                [#[safe]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
[#[cruel]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N                   [#[similar]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
[#[electric]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N               [#[special]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
[#[frail]Adj + [-ty]suf#]
d.      Phonological Rules
PR-15                                     V
Ø                     [+high]            /……….#
PR-17          C                                 C    
+syllabic                      +anterior                         V                 
                                    -high                            +coronal                      +syllable
                                    +back                          -voice              /….      +high
                                    -voice                          +continuant                 -back
                                    -continuant                  +strident
                                    -del rel
PR-16                     V                                  V
                             +syllabic                      +syllabic
                             -high                            -back               /CVCVC..CVCV
                             +back                          +low
            UR                                          : *[#[active/æktiv/]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
                PR-15 insertion of/i/                : *[#[/æktiv+i/]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
                Output                                     :   [activity/æktiv/]
            UR                                          : *[#[continue/kəntinyu:/]v + [-ty]suf#]N
            PR-15 insrtion of /i/                :*[#[/kəntinyu:+i/]v + [-ty]suf#]N
                Output                                     : [continuiity/kəntinyu:/]

            UR                                          : *[#[similar/similə/]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
                PR-52  insertion of /r/              : *[#[/similə+r/]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
                PR-15 insertion of /i/               : *[#[/similə+r+i/]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
                PR-16 /ə/         /æ/                   :  [similarity/similæriti/]

            UR                                          : *[#[electric/elektrik/]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
                PR-15 insertion of /i/               : *[#[/elektrik+i/]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
                PR-17  /k/        /s/                     : *[#[/elektriks+i/]Adj + [-ty]suf#]N
            Output                                     : [electricity/elektrisiti/]
3.       The formation of English Nouns with the Suffix –ment
a.      Dictionary

(3-3) (a) [abolish]v                                 (f) [invest]v
           (b) [Achieve]v                              (g) [manage]v
         (c) [Assign]v                                 (h) [measure]v
         (d) [fulfill]v                                   (i) [postpone]v
            (e) [govern]v                                 (j) [resent]v

b.      Word formation rule

(NFR-3)    [X]v                   [[X]v + [-ment]suf]N

c.       Underlying representation
[#[abolish/]v+ [ment]suf#]N               [#[invest/]v+ [ment]suf#]N
[#[achieve/]v+ [ment]suf#]N              [#[manage/]v+ [ment]suf#]N
[#[assign/]v+ [ment]suf#]N [#[measure/]v+ [ment]suf#]N
[#[fulfillment/]v+ [ment]suf#]N       [#[postpone/]v+ [ment]suf#]N
[#[govern/]v+ [ment]suf#]N               [#[resent/]v+ [ment]suf#]N
            The underlying representation above are acceptable, so that they can directly become the output without going through the readjustment rule and phonological rule
         (a) [abolishment]                                        (f) [investment]
           (b) [Achievement]                                     (g) [management]
         (c) [Assignment]                                        (h) [measurement]
         (d) [fulfillment]                                          (i) [postponement]
            (e) [government]v                                       (j) [resentment]

4.       The formation of English noun with the suffix –ness
a.      Dictionary
(3-4) (a) [clean]Adj                                  (g) [mad]Adj
(b) [fast]Adj                                    (h) [polite]Adj
(c) [fine]Adj                                    (i) [rude]Adj
(d) [kind]Adj                                  (j) [short]Adj
(e) [lazy]Adj                                    (k) [sweet]Adj
(f) [like]Adj
b.      Word formation rule
(NFR-4)    [X]Adj               [[X]Adj + [-ness]suf]N

c.       Underlying representation
[#[clean]v+ [-ness]suf#]N                    [#[mad]v+ [-ness]suf#]N
[#[fast]v+ [-ness]suf#]N                       [#[polite]v+ [-ness]suf#]N
[#[fine]v+ [-ness]suf#]N                       [#[rude]v+ [-ness]suf#]N
[#[kind]v+ [-ness]suf#]N                     [#[short]v+ [-ness]suf#]N
[#[lazy]v+ [-ness]suf#]N                      [#[sweet]v+ [-ness]suf#]N
[#[like]v+ [-ness]suf#]N
 All of the underlying representations above are already acceptable, so that they can directly become the output without going through the readjustment rule and the phonological rule as follow:
(a)    [cleanness]                                  (g) [madness]
(b)   [fastness]                                    (h) [politeness]
(c)    [fineness]                                    (i) [rudeness]
(d)   [kindness]                                   (j) [shortness]
(e)    [laziness]                                    (k) [sweetness]
(f)    [likeness]

5.       The Formative of English Nouns With the suffix -hood
a.       Dictionary
(3-5) (a) [bachelor]N                                               (e) [father]N
           (b) [boy]N                                                        (f) [mother]N
           (c) [brother]N                                                  (g) [priest]N


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