Apa saranmu bagi anak baru masuk dunia kerja?

Ku ucapkan banyak selamat bagi yang hari ini mendapatkan pengumuman kelulusannya diterima sebagai PNS.

Bagi kamu yang benar-benar baru masuk dunia kerja, jangan mudah menyerah, ketika dunia kerja yang kamu impikan ternyata tak seindah yang kamu bayangkan. Saya membaca data bahwa banyak generasi Z tidak sekuat mentalnya dengan kami generasi milenial, generasi yang katanya tangguh. Yang aku tahu, kita memang sangat kritis dan idealis saat ilmu dari dunia pendidikan masih tersimpan rapi di fikiran dan belum terkontaminasi dengan kenyataan di lapangan.

Kalian bukannya tidak tangguh, kalian hanya butuh waktu belajar "tulus seperti merpati dan cerdik seperti ular". Ketangguhan  dibentuk di dunia kerja.  Berikut saran pamungkas dari saya, didasarkan pada 10 tahun pengalaman. Kutuliskan dalam bahasa Inggris karena inspirasinya dari baca buku berbahasa Inggris.

If you want enemy, excel your friends; but if you want friends, let your friends excel you" 

I would not know how to put the quote into effect if I did not have struggle in my workplace in handling envious colleagues. I just found that some people thought that we were in a place where we needed to compete in order to get more attention, while I was so naive to believe that all people had a heart like me, wanted to work together and build mutual relations. Once I knew some people just wanted you to be below them, no matter how knowledgeable and skillful I was at rsomething, I would not let them know. If they hold into a belief that life is a  theatre, let's act out.

Observe in few months because not all workplaces have the same condition and strugle. Just learn to whom you can be a true friend and to some you can be like a great actor or actress like in a movie. Some may say you are a people pleaser or two-faced. Do not let those words playing in your mind and heart.  Be wise in spending your time and energy. Focus on your purpose. It takes years to learn my lesson. You do not need to experience in order to know, you can learn from others.

Good luck

Hopefully, you are lucky enough to get supportive work enviroment to encourange you to be creative and productive. If it is not, please hang on, stay there until you find your place to be shine and can influence others.

Always remember to not give impulsive response in a bad situation. This is the last quote for you:

"Hatred is never be ended by hatred and misunderstanding with argument, but with tact, diplomacy and consolidation"


  1. Thank you for your advice ma'am. It's very helpful!.


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