Neuroscience in Education System: a simple essay


The implementation of neuroscience in the education system is a debate among experts. There is a view mentioned that if no more children are living under the poverty line, when all have equal access to quality education, then technological and standardized tests can be implemented throughout the country. Others see the test based on neuroscience principles as necessary to evaluate the education system. Despite the doubt or skepticism, the information obtained from the standardized test can be used to see the progress of each school.

The foremost benefit of having information on students’ academic achievement is that the policymakers and educators can evaluate all aspects or components of the education system. The data from the evaluation might be used as a basis to make some changes for future implementation. If an aspect is deemed as a factor that slows the progress down, the solution could be focused on the area. The neglectful parenting style for most children in some schools, for instance, can be solved by providing facilities and services needed in the schools.

Personalizing learning is the another advantage of standardized tests. Teachers will be encouraged to learn more about their students when they look at the various results of their students’ achievement. They may realize how the same condition of a classroom, teaching materials, strategies and approaches can lead to different outcomes on students’ learning. Teachers who sometimes design their teaching materials and strategies based on their own beliefs can try to understand any other factors that contribute to the learning process.

To put it simply, learning and testing based on neuroscience principles are worth enough to be integrated into the education system if it is for evaluation purposes. However, standardized tests are not used as an indicator of the success or failure of teachers in conducting their teaching, but all components are taken into account.


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